Dnevni avaz, 18.01.2025.
U skladu sa odlukom Školskog odbora (broj: 9-11-482-4/22 od 23/05/2022) o ovlaštenju direktora za raspisivanje konkursa za popunjavanje radnih mjesta u školskoj godini 2025/2026., Koledž ujedinjenog svijeta u Mostaru sa pravom javnosti (UWC Mostar) je dana 18.01.2025. godine, raspisao
1. Rukovodilac akademskih programa, 1 izvršilac na puno radno vrijeme (50% u svojstvu rukovodioca i 50% u svojstvu nastavnika) na period od dvije godine.
2. Profesor IBDP sistema okoliša i društva (ESS), 1 izvršilac, nepuno radno vrijeme (50%) na određeni period u trajanju od minimalno jedne godine.
3. Profesor IBDP sistema okoliša i društva (ESS), 1 izvršilac, nepuno radno vrijeme (50%) na određeni period, zamjena tokom porodiljskog odsustva do 31.07.2026.
4. Profesor IBDP matematike, 1 izvršilac, nepuno ili puno radno vrijeme (što će se naknadno odrediti) na određeni period u trajanju od minimalno jedne godine.
5. Profesor IBDP engleskog jezika i književnosti (English A), 1 izvršilac, puno radno vrijeme na određeni period u trajanju od minimalno jedne godine.
6. Profesor IBDP historije, 1 izvršilac, nepuno radno vrijeme (50%) na određeni period u trajanju od minimalno jedne godine.
7. Profesor IBDP teorije znanja (ToK), 1 izvršilac, nepuno radno vrijeme (50%) na određeni period, zamjena tokom porodiljskog odsustva do 31.07.2026.
Konkurs je objavljen na službenoj web stranici škole www.uwcmostar.ba, na službenoj web stranici pokreta www.uwc.org, portalu agencija za posredovanje pri zapošljavanju MOJPOSAO.BA i na web stranici Zavoda za zapošljavanje HNŽ-HNK.
Prijave se primaju od subote 18.01.2025.godine do ponedjeljka 03.02.2025. godine.
Do you want to be part of a dynamic, vibrant, and friendly community that offers you support and opportunities to grow as a teacher? UWC Mostar seeks to appoint dedicated and inspired educators who are committed to the intellectual, social, and ethical development of students and who recognize that learning also takes place beyond the classroom. We value candidates who are drawn to the distinctive educational experience of the United World Colleges, and to UWC Mostar’s unique mission within the movement.
UWC Mostar offers:
● Housing for international staff and staff coming from remote parts of BiH
● Local taxes paid
● Return flight for international staff each year
● Daily meal (food) allowance
● National health insurance Currently, the following positions will be available from August 2025: Leadership Position starting August 2025 for two years:
1. Director of Studies, full-time position (consisting of 50% DoS and 50% teaching). Teaching positions starting August 2025 for a minimum of one year:
2. Teacher of IBDP Environmental System and Societies (ESS), part-time position (50%) on a fixed-term basis.
3. Teacher of IBDP Environmental System and Societies (ESS), part-time position (50%) on a fixed-term basis, as maternity leave replacement until 31stJuly 2026.
4. Teacher of IBDP Mathematics, part-time to full-time position (to be confirmed later) on a fixed-term basis.
5. Teacher of IBDP English A Language and Literature, full-time position on a fixed-term basis. *Possible Head of Department position.
6. Teacher of IBDP History, part-time position (50%) on a fixed-term basis.
7. Teacher of IBDP Theory of Knowledge (TOK), part-time position (50%) on a fixed-term basis, as maternity leave replacement until 31st of July 2026.
LEADERSHIP POSITION: 1. Director of Studies (DoS)
Minimum qualifications:
General Leadership Responsibilities include review and development of College policies, involvement in the selection of new staff, providing effective leadership in their respective areas, supporting College functions/events, representing the College at meetings and conferences, etc. All Leadership Team members are required to attend weekly Leadership Team meetings and serve on the Crisis Management Team (CMT).
The specific responsibilities of the Director of Studies position are outlined in the appendix of this document.
Minimum Qualifications for all teaching positions 2-7:
* Corresponding faculty for ESS: University degree in Social Sciences or Natural Sciences.
* Corresponding faculty for TOK: Any university teaching degree with priority in Philosophy or Social Sciences.
Additional minimum qualifications for position 5 (English A):
Qualifications for all teaching positions that would be an advantage:
Other desired qualifications for all teaching positions:
The primary responsibilities and duties of the teacher:
- To prepare and perform teaching work with professionalism and apply a high level of pedagogical and methodological skills.
- To plan and deliver the prescribed curriculum for the subject taught.
- To actively participate in the improvement of the teaching process.
- Constantly work on self-development and participate in professional development organized by the school.
- Monitor the academic performance of the students and report on it according to the requirements of the College.
- To perform all the necessary administration for the subject taught.
- To perform residential duties when necessary.
- To supervise and administrate at least one CAS activity.
- Other duties according to the Law, Annual Plan of the College, or at the discretion of the Head of the College.
How to apply
Interested applicants for all positions should send the following documents in English to: vacancies@uwcmostar.ba
Applications for all positions will be open from Saturday, 18/01/2025, until Monday, 03/02/2025. Please specify the title of the post you are applying for in the subject line. Incomplete and untimely applications will not be considered.
UWC Mostar is committed to safeguarding our students and the children and young people in Mostar. All our staff members are expected to share that commitment. Successful applicants for a position at UWC Mostar will undergo background checks, including reference requests from past employers as well as checks with law enforcement authorities and other governmental agencies.
Natječaj je preuzet iz drugih izvora oglašavanja. Služba za zapošljavanje HNŽ/HNK ne odgovara za navode iz natječaja, izmjene i dopune za vrijeme trajanja natječaja, niti za greške nastale prilikom prenošenja teksta natječaja.
Natječaj je objavljen na oglasnoj ploči i na www.szzhnz-k.ba Službe za zapošljavanje HNŽ-HNK.
Mostar, 20.01.2025.