NSoft Backend Developer
Što tražimo od kandidata:
Our company is looking to hire senior backend developers with specific accent on PHP and NodeJS. Job includes building fast, distributed and robust backend components with challenging logic in highly specialized development team.
You have at least 3 years of headache in building backend components (preferred in php/nodejs)
&& You know how to speak SQL and you are reading latest releases of MySQL/MariaDB "doc novels"
&& You know that NoSQL is not organization which hates SQL
&& You know that Symfony is not misspelled word
&& You know that 200 is good, 500 is bad
&& You see "$" and don't think about money
&& You express yourself trough "echo"
&& Your ( logic + system architecture ) > ( design + html + css )
&& You don't turn on the light when someone says "start LAMP"
Send us your CV to posao@nsoft.ba
Well you can check our other opened positions :)
- Well each day there is a new programming challenge and it's never boring
- There is a integrated cafeteria (coffee++)
- A RPG called "team building adventures" is quite popular (bruises are optional)
- "Boss" drops money bonuses quite often
- If you are one of those who likes to "have it on paper" - we offer "a scroll of certification" to employees
- Work time break can be filled by l playstation, nintendo, uno, chess, basketball...
- We keep a track of new technologies and apply them on our projects so you must learn new stuff
- Team development - you don't have to do it all (i.e. backend developers don't like frontend)
- $children++ => $salary++
Vaše prijave možete slati na: posao@nsoft.ba ili preko forme.
Natječaj ostaje otvoren do popunjavanja radnog mjesta
Otvorenih pozicija: 15
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